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So I and the night shall bid you goodbye..
leaving you to the sea ..
as it roars exhorts you not to abandon his shore
he says " Let him go as he's so weak can't expunge the clouds
soaring thy head and mind
sit here and I'll cover you with my breeze streaming among thy
tangled hairs ..
Let him go as he's so blind cant perceive your grieves
constrained beneath those breasts
more vintage than the wine half filled in that stained glass you hold firmly
within thy slender fingers ..

I say - O sea Blind are you fancying troupe of my beloved
The grief you see confined within those ribs are nothing but
my presence, my promises that faced abortions before dawns of love
the grief that you wish to vanquish from her soul
fail you will as millions of your waves cant clear them still..
I know as I'm the grief you wonder about... I'm the anguish
that hurls round her tangled hairs, deceptive as freedom,
So I bid goodbye while grief ends with her last toss of wine ........

by - Wreetojyoti


Jyoti said…
That last toss of wine .... The venom of despair .... This is one of the best pieces you have ever written .... Your command in English is excellent here! :)

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