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There shall be no evil so there'll be no world . the sea returns all ,all but blasphemies peoples are bathing in the blue rain of guilt, dances with its vile coldness. Who are you today ? the one who said " love .." the one who said "mother" or the one who kissed misery and embraced "the accuser" .. the arms that have gone cold the eyes that are closed with fear should have closed before . before .. the ugly infant said " let me get poisoned" the tears that burned for your laughs so fearful with their stings.. remember you said " this's my world " .. and now there will be no evil cause there will be no world .. - by wreetojyoti

One evening

Life goes on... and so do we! In our monotonous days and nights and in this mundane world. People weave dreams. Those dreams wither away. Some are murdered. And woven again. Dreams are woven everyday. Lazy Kolkata doesn't know how to change. We have never taught her how to. and now she is all alone. And so are we. Every burnt cigarette piece has lots of fading feelings behind it. Yet they don't speak. We have failed to keep them alive within us...  the one who loved and the one who cared. And now we wander aimlessly everyday, searching for them. One evening brings us close One evening throws a few pictures from the book of memory...  memory fossil-ed for eons. One evening brings us the days and the nights And thus, life goes on... and so do we. - by wreetojyoti

And that's how all started

From Ray-surrection "OK OK .. take it easy I'm here , I'm here" . whew! these people ! doesn't know how delicate you should deal with a new born baby . Man ! wash me with care . Is that a towel or a paint brush you are using ! come on ! . Really its a hard job to take birth I tell you. The way "these people in white" behaves(which I later came to know and see as doctors) with you is really annoying and embarrassing. "Now Where you are taking me ? hello! May I see my mom ? hey hey !! what's the plan ? You bloody inhuman species turning me upside down. leave my limbs at once or I shall make you deaf screaming. Now I'm not in a mood to shout .. keep me down you idiots !" .. "o ..o k.. you asked for it .. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" "Hey whats so funny about that ?" Now was that a confirmation that I'm alive . You people are real shrewd ! . Now what are you looking at ? gush you perverted cr

Realization ..

The continuous sound of the temple bell of dakshineswar came into my ears while I was enjoying the beautiful serenity of the river Ganga. the dark images of the boats afar seemed like some peaceful creatures who didn't like to enter this world of chaos. the little boys serially diving for the coins thrown by the pilgrims shattered the waters. This annoyed the other pilgrims who were busy washing their sins bathing. It was almost the last phase of anjali but my friends with whom I came were still standing in the Que.I'm not an atheist,but I don't like to offer God with flowers and all the elements that my friends are carrying in their hand to show our gratitude and respect towards the almighty. I've seen people saluting whenever a temple comes to their sights. I honor their devotion but I feel this 'll increase our sins whenever selfishness and narrow mindedness will engulf us soon after. Sometimes I feel quite lonely about these matters that makes me so different fr

Chaya ghonaiche bone bone ..

My room turned gloomy. A grayish tinge stretched across the wall. The window curtain moved like some deers who just had a glimpse of a tiger skin. A storm was coming.. This is the time when all my fantasies run throughout my mind and takes me to the past and the future as well. This is the time which medicates my mind to some relaxation that takes me to some mystic enchantment. I was falling asleep .. and the the song , my favorite of all slowly covered me as a warm blanket and it's soothing words carried me within her. -by Wreetojyoti

Ovid's Metamorphoses

From Ray-surrection In the tale told by Ovid, thought to have been based on Parthenius' version but altered in order to broaden its appeal,[4] Echo, a nymph, falls in love with a vain youth named Narcissus, who was the son of the blue Nymph Liriope of Thespia. The river god Cephisus had once encircled Leirope with the windings of his streams, and thus trapping her, had seduced the nymph, who gave birth to an exceptionally beautiful boy. Concerned about the welfare of such a beautiful child, Lirope consulted the prophet Teiresias regarding her son's future. Teiresias told the nymph that Narcissus would live to a ripe old age, "if he didn't come to know himself." When he had reached "his sixteenth year," (fifteen years of age, by modern reckoning) every youth and girl in the town was in love with him, but he haughtily spurned them all. One day when Narcissus was out hunting stags, Echo stealthily followed the handsome youth through the woods, longing to ad

Garden of Eden .. God's autocracy

"Expulsion from Paradise", marble bas-relief by Lorenzo Maitani on the Orvieto Cathedral, Italy In the Garden of Eden story of the Biblical book of Genesis (Gen1:26) “And God said: Let us make Man in our image”. (Gen 1:028) “And God blessed them…” inferring that populations of men and women were now in abundance and living the good life. However, (Gen 2:005) “… there was not a man to till the ground” implying a lack of manual labour, thus: (Gen 2:4-3:26), God molds Adam from the dust of the Earth, then forms Eve from one of Adam's "ribs", and places them both in the garden, eastward in Eden. "Male and female he created them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, ... " (Genesis 5:2) It may be allegorical, in as much as "Adam" may be a general term, like "Man" and refers to the whole of humankind. However others argue that this is a reference to Lilith. God charges Adam to tend the garden in which they live, and specifically c


From Ray-surrection The other day i jumped over in the midst of the night just to see on my hand two mosquitoes having a great fight i took my hands closer to have a better view one of them shouted "how dare u broke my specs they were so brand new!! the other one replied back stepping a little forward "and how dare you enter my region as a thief dirty coward! "we have no territories because our resources are mobile" said the other gallantly looking at me a while. So what ! you poor beggar you nasty young rascal thought you can fool me but I'm wiser than Pascal I wont leave you old hooligan, do whatever you want but I'll drink till I'm full don't stop me cause you cant c'mon fight c'mon fight see who's the king and their swords clashed "tring tring tring". enough is enough I burst out with rage I'll catch both of you and lock you up in my cage fear came over their face throwing their weapons aside "we are sorry my lord f


A boy . A boy who is down to earth but quite egoistic . A boy so friendly but extremely emotional . Someone with a true heart but super sentimental . Someone who can always adjust himself with anything but never with lies. What I like to mention here is just a smaller part of his life as the time period would suggests to you .. but its the main boundaries and landmarks where his idealism and views dwelled . The boy believes in three ideals about how his love will be . 1> The girl whom he will love should be decent . The recent westernization of our culture , fashions, lifestyle , influenced a great deal of our life. Girls are seen in some dresses which can be regarded as a "revolution" of seductions. The way girls interact with boys can be as appealing as of the electromagnets with iron particles . The boy (being a boy himself) witnessed the ways the lustful eyes of every masculine body stared at the fleshy and skinny outfits of their opposite . He sees the desperation wit

epitaph on a tyrant

Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after, And the poetry he invented was easy to understand; He knew human folly like the back of his hand, And was greatly interested in armies and fleets; When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter, And when he cried the little children died in the streets. - by W.H Auden

A life

a life too scared .. leaves behind the trails of endless misery a life too terrified about the halucinations of words..promises a life too selfish for what it deserves .. without thinking who deserves that life. a life so burned out in vengeance for the treachery it witnessed ,, a life too blind to see its future that could have brought another new deserves . - by Wreetojyoti

keu kotha rakheni

কেউ কথা রাখে নি, তেত্রিশ বছর কাটলো, কেউ কথা রাখে নি ছেলেবেলায় এক বোষ্টুমী তার আগমনী গান হঠাৎ থামিয়ে বলেছিলো শুক্লা দ্বাদশীর দিন অন্তরাটুকু শুনিয়ে যাবে তারপর কতো চন্দ্রভূক অমাবস্যা চলে গেলো,  কিন্তু সেই বোষ্টুমী আর এলোনা পঁচিশ বছর প্রতীক্ষায় আছি। মামাবাড়ির মাঝি নাদের আলী বলেছিলো, বড় হও দাদাঠাকুর তোমাকে আমি তিনপ্রহরের বিল দেখাতে নিয়ে যাবো সেখানে পদ্মফুলের মাথায় সাপ আর ভ্রমর  খেলা করে! নাদের আলী, আমি আর কতো বড় হবো? আমার মাথা এ ঘরের ছাদ  ফুঁড়ে আকাশ স্পর্শ করলে তারপর তুমি আমায়  তিনপ্রহরের বিল দেখাবে? একটাও রয়্যাল গুলি কিনতে পারি নি কখনো লাঠি-লজেন্স দেখিয়ে দেখিয়ে চুষেছে লস্করবাড়ির ছেলেরা ভিখারীর মতন চৌধুরীদের গেটে দাঁড়িয়ে দেখেছি ভিতরে রাস-উৎসব অবিরল রঙের ধারার মধ্যে সুবর্ণ কঙ্কণ পরা ফর্সা রমণীরা কত রকম আমোদে হেসেছে আমার দিকে তারা ফিরেও চায় নি! বাবা আমার কাঁধ ছুঁয়ে বলেছিলেন, দেখিস, একদিন, আমরাও… বাবা এখন অন্ধ, আমাদের দেখা হয়নি কিছুই সেই রয়্যাল গুলি, সেই লাঠি-লজেন্স, সেই রাস-উৎসব আমায় কেউ ফিরিয়ে দেবেনা! বুকের মধ্যে সুগন্ধি রুমাল রেখে বরুণা বলেছিলো, যেদিন আমায় সত্যিকারের ভালোবাসবে সেদিন আম