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A boy . A boy who is down to earth but quite egoistic . A boy so friendly but extremely emotional . Someone with a true heart but super sentimental . Someone who can always adjust himself with anything but never with lies.
What I like to mention here is just a smaller part of his life as the time period would suggests to you .. but its the main boundaries and landmarks where his idealism and views dwelled .

The boy believes in three ideals about how his love will be .
1> The girl whom he will love should be decent . The recent westernization of our culture , fashions, lifestyle , influenced a great deal of our life. Girls are seen in some dresses which can be regarded as a "revolution" of seductions. The way girls interact with boys can be as appealing as of the electromagnets with iron particles . The boy (being a boy himself) witnessed the ways the lustful eyes of every masculine body stared at the fleshy and skinny outfits of their opposite . He sees the desperation with which his own sexes runs behind the feminine human beings . The way they prey for just one chance of grabbing feminine attentions so that they can flirt their ways to bed.
Now the boy doesn't likes to see her girlfriend facing such consequences for her own choice of living . The boy can never bear to see the lustful eyes towards his love , the terrible intrusions with some hideous intentions which "they" name it as "flirt" and thinks it as the way towards "persuasion till sex" .
She should maintain her own tradition , her own decency and her commitment shall restrict her from being so "free" with the boys that will act as the barrier in front of this outer nakedness of lusts.
2>Its a known truth that a girl gets her maximum and valuable helps from a boy and not from another girl . But why ? because a girl is selfish , and she has no benefits to be achieved by helping another girl while a boy tries to help a girl as much as he can because somewhere in his mind an attraction works out since there can never be a relation between a boy and a girl so pure. An hidden passion takes over. May be the girl thinks and considers that boy as merely a good friend with no such sensual intentions . And the boy is aware of that girl's commitment towards some other person , may be that boy is aware of the way that girl considers him to be as or he himself is tied with his own commitment with some other girl but as time passes by , closeness takes over. And so as a mystical connection which takes birth between the two. Thus the "boy" of my story doesn't want his girlfriend to maintain such a good friendship or friendly relationship with her surrounding male peers . Formality is what he wants her to carry while interactions and mode of communications, maintaining a safe professional or diplomatic distance.
3>The last but the most important of all is “trust” . Trust is the main key for any kind of relations . A relation of a brother and a sister . A relation of a family with a family man , but its never so disastrous as in the case of love . Once a trust is broken, one can never regain it back when he/she is in a love relation.
One must have the braveness to confess his/her faults , guilt , in front of his/her loved one or one day when the skeletons will come out of their cupboards , they will haunt the relation to death . Mistrust , doubt , insecurity are the plagues of love . They are the cancers which has no cures . And betrayal , Hypocrisy , lies , being unfaithful, are the causes .
My character in this article fears these ends.

- by wreetojyoti


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