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Winter is a cage

The winter pushes you to the corner... far from the crowd, far from your friends, family even yourself.
Each night, while returning home, your head bents low till you can count the granite blocks of the road, dark cold lifeless. 
​The wind sends shivers down your spine makes you feel helpless, you need to fight alone through the stiffening breeze. Numbness runs through your fingers, your ears unnaturally getting colder. 
You walk alone. Your heart, still beating, seems to be in some desperate search to hold onto something or someone that/who won't absorb your 'warmth' rather lend some more. ​
The winter puts you in front of your own true self, your own reality. You look back, there's no one except a road, empty, that you have already left behind. Even the trees, the boulevard, the street lights seem dull, tired, and losing their fluorescence. They are not interested in you anymore, busy in their own struggle surviving the winter. 
In the process of self-defense, your intellect starts explaining it to you, by comparing those heartbreaks, those lies, all those negligences that you have faced throughout your life trying to prove that those were much more painful than this meager temperature drop - you are definitely stronger than that. all in vain. You keep on walking, breaking through the freezing glasses until you are cracked all over.

Finally, your door is visible, a little far from where you are, your footsteps become faster, you rush into your room. you splash some hot water over your face, and that my friend, is the initial step to put on your mask again.

- by wreetojyoti (28/12/2019)


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